Sunday, October 23, 2011

Treasured Moments (4)

We've been away in Echuca again.  Warm weather, fresh air, lots of adventurous activities ... plenty of treasured moments to tell you about! :)

Do you find yourself falling into a pattern of daily grind, skipping the 'fun' activities because you don't have time or lack energy?

Do creative arts, nature walks, drama, read alouds or spontaneous acts seem only a distant dream in your life?

Yet these Treasured Moments shared with loved ones uplift us, nurture our soul, remind us of the beauty and joy in our lives.

We want Treasured Moments for ourselves, for our children, for our families but how can we make it happen?

... Commitment ... Encouragement ... Support ... Ideas ... Plans.

You are invited to join us at the end of every week and share your plans and ideas, your targets and goals and your stories ... your 'Treasured Moments'. In this way we may inspire one another, encourage ourselves and start achieving our dreams. Hosted by Erin at Seven Little Australians and Counting.

My Treasured Moments these past 2 weeks were: 

1. We're really enjoying having Papa home on vacation.  It's a change of pace for everyone, and we were away in Echuca for almost a week, soaking up some lovely sunshine and breathing in fresh air. It was even warm enough to enjoy a swim in the outdoor pool.

2.  Ten pin bowling with friends.  They were giving each other such great support .. we were a very noisy group!

3.  Maestro, Papa and I had a go at some archery.  Some pretty keen shooting went on there!
(Mariposa opted for a group horseride instead that day.)

4.  Mariposa had her first ever canoe paddle with me, down the Murray River.  Maestro also came along, but was in another canoe.  We were in a group with a total of seven canoes.

5.  Our Maestro is now officially a TEEN!  Yes, he has just turned 13.  We bought him some Bear Grylls' survival gear he'll be able to use when we go camping and hiking.

6. There's more fun to come, as Papa still has another week and a half at home.  We'll be back to lessons with the children, but will escape for a few extra outings whenever we can.


Erin said...

What beautiful memories!!

Ruby said...

Yes, the canoeing looks great! Is Papa your blog name or is that what the kids call him? Just wondering as you don't hear it often here.
Have a good week.

Catherine (Alecat Music) said...

Hi Ruby,
The children do call us "Mama" and "Papa", so I thought it appropriate to use that here. In previous posts I referred to Papa as 'hubby', but he doesn't really like that very much. :)
Maybe I should refer to myself in the third person too ... but that may be too confusing for everyone, lol!