Sunday, October 23, 2011

A typical Sunday

It's a lovely sunny day after a run of cool, wet days.  
We've been for our early walk.
Mariposa's had her 3 hour horseriding lesson.
All the windows were opened around the house to let in the lovely warm breeze.
A great day for getting all the washing done!
Floors have been swept and mopped. 
The diary has been checked to see what's coming up this week,
but I still need to look over upcoming schooling work and check materials needed.

Friends have dropped in for afternoon tea and a chat.  
We made an exchange of 1 doz eggs and some lemons
for a box of books ... woo hoo!!

The lawn has just been mown.  
Time to think about dinner: pasta with mushrooms, tomatoes and herbs,
and a baked custard for dessert.

I hope you all had a lovely day today, too!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I've enjoyed browsing through your blog. It makes me want to sit back, breath....., and enjoy the moments. That's why I've nominated you for two blog awards.
