Friday, September 17, 2010

The end of another term

I don't think we've ever been as busy as we've been since June this year.  We usually have a two week break over the June school holidays, but that was full with dance competitions.  So, now, as of 4pm, we've packed all the homeschool books away, and with no more dance or violin lessons for 2 weeks, we slow down the pace for a while.

Here's a quick collection of pictures I've had on my camera, which kind of nicely sums up all that's happened here in recent months.

Our cat, Duffy, has been adopted by another homeschooling family.  We had to make this decision as Mariposa's allergies got worse.  We'll visit him (and our homeschooling friends) in November.  Maestro can enjoy another long cuddle then!

Midgy has been with us a whole year now!

Mariposa just loved this book.  
She told me she'd often have dreams about what she thought the riding school must have been like.

A wet Winter and looking to be a wet Spring.  The garden is very green, and the sky often has the most beautiful rainbows ... if only I was quick enough to capture them when they're most vivid.

Those dance exams are all over now.  Maestro's results came in with 'Commended'.  We're still awaiting those for Mariposa.  At the venue for the exams (Ministry of Dance), we saw the cast rehearsing for the stage show "Hairspray", as well as Jason Coleman giving a private lesson.

 Pretending to be shy.  I'll get a good photo of you yet, my lad!!!


Ruby said... is still overlapping on the link within but the comment box is clear at the bottom. No trouble to comment on though:-)

Ruby said...

Also it is not showing the comments which I know are already there.

Julie Coney said...

Do have a lovely 2 week break. Laugh often, and sleep late! It is odd to hear you talk of spring, when I am slowly weaving my way into fall... but that is the beauty of the world God created.... always something new springing up, growing, or being born......

ps. still doing it... but only on the direct post links. I don't see it if I read on the main page.. like Ruby said.

Debbie said...

Gosh they are growing up! Maestro looks as though he is really tall even though he is sitting with Duffy. Midgy looks SO very cute! Enjoy your holidays. This is our first week here and all of us have commented more than once how great relaxing and doing whatever we like is. Love the holidays! xo