Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Screech like a .... parrot!

Well, I declare!  I've never heard a more piercing screech from a bird.  Well, okay, all birds in the parrot family are LOUD!, but this was very loud for one bird.  What was more puzzling was that it sounded so close, but we couldn't see it at all.  It took three screeches, a worried look from Maestro with the comment "I think it's an eagle in our tree" and then me taking a walk down the driveway before we saw it.

On the top most branches of our Hakea tree was this very large Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo. Ever so cautiously I tried to get the children to go and get my camera whilst I stood still to keep an eye on its movements.  However, it spotted me, then Mariposa was just a wee bit too loud running to go to the house, so it flew off.  I missed the camera moment!  So, here's a picture from the OzAnimals site:

We've never had one of these so close before.  Occasionally you'd see a flock pass overhead, but never one solitary in a tree, next to the house.  Even then, I don't know if any of these were the yellow-tailed variety.  I noted the distinct yellow markings of this bird as it's eyes met mine.

If you'd like to read more information about this cockatoo, there's a great site for helping one identify backyard birds in Australia HERE.  I like this site as most of the time there is also an MP3 recording of the bird's call.  You can find this by scrolling down the page and looking on the right-hand sidebar.


Pebblekeeper ~ Angie said...

I love it when we hear or see out of place birds. :) Cool Find! Yeah family for stopping to go find it!

Ganeida said...

Oh my! These really are the noisiest parrot! A whole flock makes a shocking noise. We see these when we go down to Springbrook. Up here we get the red ones ~ & they're quite bad enough, thank you! ☺

I always feel so priveleged to get the amount of bird life we do round here. Guess you feel the same ~ even when it's a noisy visitor.

Joyfulmum said...

I just read a post on another blog about a cassowary and lo and behold here's yours on a parrot:) I guess coming into the season for more bird activity:)
Enjoyed reading your post btw, I have come to love birds as a fringe benefit of homeschooling my dd the CM way:)