Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Literally getting ready to sail

Hubby's been working very hard with a team of other people on a boat build.  Since October, most Sunday's have been spent travelling to a friend's house on the other side of town, as an activity organised through a sailing club.  Maestro has often gone along to help.  This was a great activity for Dads and sons to do together, and the fun doesn't stop once the boat's built, either.  Hubby is very keen to get on the water with Maestro after some sailing lessons.

The official launch was this weekend gone, but unfortunately the wind picked up to around 25-30knots, so getting onto the water just didn't happen.  The sails couldn't even go up as some boats (bigger than ours) were being tossed about too much.

The boat is called a Firebug, originating in New Zealand.  The instructor was a friend met through our homeschooling group.  Many thanks to him, his wife and family for giving up so much time and energy to get this all done!!

Now, for some photos!





All lined up for the official launch, but it's too windy to put up the sails, let alone go on the water.
Seven boats were made in this build, and they all looked great!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful experience for your son!
Have a wonderful week,


Ganeida said...

like a sabot or a Manly Juniour ~ both of which I've sailed. I can't tell from the pic ~ main & jib or just a mainsail? 25k should be fun once the boys have a bit of experience under their belts. ☺ Being a small boat sailor I shall look forward to hearing more.

Catherine (Alecat Music) said...

I'm not at all familiar with sailing. Perhaps the link to "Firebird" will help give you more information. Here's the actually page: