Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Serving up Biology

Dinah Zikes is visiting our home ... and look at what we're serving up now! Okay, so she's not actually visiting 'in person', but we're trying out using one of her books c/- a friend and we're really enjoying it. :)

This is our first real attempt at lapbooking. As far as developing a creative way to present our schoolwork, this is proving to serve us well. Mariposa enjoys cut and paste, Maestro likes to just get on with the facts, so together they're a perfect team. Maestro is still reading the Abeka Science books and is currently working through the end of "Health" which covers the same type of material but in textbook format.

Yesterday, our focus was on the parts of bone.

We reviewed last week's lesson on joints: hinge; ball-and-socket.

Then we opened it up for a look inside (thanks to our friendly butcher).

We'll explore the use of some free resources too. Here's one a friend recommended today: Mr Rosie's Homework Help. Lots of great links through the "Human Body" page.

NB: An Australian supplier of Dinah Zike books is Adnil Press.


Anonymous said...

It looks like an interesting lesson, and how inspirational to get your butcher to cut the bone in half.

Jeanne said...

I've long been interested in Dinah Zike's books. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

I think I'd like to try lapbooking as well.

Ganeida said...

OK, we don't do things that once used to be alive; Ditz has gone vegetarian on me & we're squeamish anyway but the rest is great. We had a great curric for this pasting all the body bits in to place on a large cut out body. Very hands on without the slime & smells. ☺ Fascinating stuff.

HomeGrownKids said...

Hey, can I send my boys over to your place for lessons? Sounds so cool :)