Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hungry for history

My children believe we simply MUST make an excursion to see Egypt. They're absolutely convinced. Unfortunately it just isn't possible for us at the moment.

The closest I think we can get at the moment is through lots of good books, non-fiction and fiction, as well as documentaries. Maestro has enjoyed the library's source of audio books from Geoffery McSkimming's Cairo Jim. The author reads his own stories, and he's just hilariously funny, stretching the children's vocabulary and imaginations.

Then, just the other day, Maestro discovered a new dvd series in our library, which was a popular tv series in the U.S.: Young Indiana Jones. Hubby and I wanted to 'vet' it first, so we watched some last night. The best part was that the 'special features' include the background history to each episode, so you can watch this FIRST with the children before unleashing the fictional on them. These are not as scary and 'full on' like the Harrison Ford films, so I'm happy to now let the children watch these with us.

There's even a site which has lesson plans for each episode here.
One thing I think my children will pick up quickly is that Indiana Jones was homeschooled, lol! (Well, he has a tutor. Doesn't that count?)


home handymum said...

My almost-5 year old is into Egypt at the moment too. Mostly started by a 'chapter book' about Cleopatra as a young girl. My sister then sent us a big box of books which had in it one from the British Museum called Beauty Secrets of Egyptian Queens or something like that. Miss nearly-5 was not really that interested in the beauty secrets, but was interested in the pop-out jewelery, making an Egyptian dress, and in Hatshepsut - the queen who pretended to be a man while she was Pharoah.

I've also been answering awkward questions about Cleopatra and Antony and their suicides...

Also, the Magic School Bus people have started a new series called Miss Frizzel's Adventures, which is all back-in-time history stuff. We found the Ancient Egypt one at the library :) Probably all stuff your kids know by now, but I find that mine likes their comic-book feel.

Catherine (Alecat Music) said...

Thank you for your input!
Was the Cleopatra book from the "Royal Diaries" series? I think I saw them at the library, but my children haven't read them as yet.
I'll keep an eye out for the Miss Frizzle series too, as I didn't know about them.
Thanks again! :)

Miss Maccy said...

The Young Indiana Jones series sounds fantastic! Our boys are desperate to watch Indiana Jones but are also quite effected by what they see, so I have very strong reservations about the adult movies. I have to warn you wewill give you a couple of weeks grace at the library and then we are hot on your heels ;)

Catherine (Alecat Music) said...

LOL Fliztea. Thanks for the warning. I'll make sure I tell you when we're returning them so you can pick them up directly! :)

home handymum said...

The chapter book was a 'Young Princesses Around the World' one - all written by Joan Holub. Specific book titled 'Cleopatra and the King's Enemies'

Catherine (Alecat Music) said...

Thank you home handymum.
I hadn't heard of those books. :)

home handymum said...

You're welcome, but I wouldn't go out of my way to find them :) My girl likes them, but they're fairly average. On the plus side, the historical stuff is accurate, and there's a timeline of the queen's life at the back, but they're not great literature or anything :) But if your library has them, then have a look.