Monday, March 2, 2015

The Sabine women were sobbin', sobbin', sobbin ...

If you had anything to do with my family during my late teens, you'd know how much Mum loved the film "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers". Watching the video could be rated a compulsory activity for any visitor, which means that I've lost count of how many times I've seen it too.
There's a song the brothers sing in that musical called "The Sabine Women", based on the account of the Romans capturing the Sabine women to be their wives as a clever plot thought up by Romulus. 
Mariposa has been reading up on the history of the Roman empire with "The Story of the of Romans" by Guerber and this account was recently part of her reading. After reading her written narration, I now have that song in my head (.. and it will probably be there for the rest of the day!!)

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