Thursday, September 27, 2012

Spring has sprung!

The warm winds of Spring have been dancing around our house, and through it! We're on term break and making the most of our uplifted spirits to spruce up around our home.

All the windows have been opened to freshen the house.  Curtains have been washed and windows scrubbed.  We want the light and warmth to infiltrate every corner of our beings.

Fresh flowers are regularly being picked and put out on the table.  A small posy in the bathroom as well.

Our littlest hen layed her first egg today ... a beautiful blue egg.

Fruit trees are filling with blossoms and visiting bees.

And at the end of the day, we can sit and enjoy the work that's been done because everything feels renewed ... including us!


Joanne said...

Yes, I've also been enjoying opening windows and doors. I think I need to bring some flowers in too.

i cant decide said...

It's so nice to visit your spring as we head into fall here in New Mexico! It makes me remember that seasons will indeed continue and I won't be stuck in the upcoming winter forever!