Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The photos that should have been here yesterday

Please excuse my camera's tardiness. It seems to enjoy taking excursions with my children to various parts of our home, then often gets a little disoriented before returning to it's rightful place in the study. At least when it DOES return, it leaves some clues as to where it's been!

Day old chick, named 'Esther',
an Araucana breed. 

Mariposa's hen "Beauty" who had patiently sat, being broody,
for 2 weeks before we put some fertilised eggs under her. 

'Apricot Delight' rose

Evening Primoses are abundantly sprawling on the pathway 
to the front door at the moment.  
They seem to have really enjoyed all the rain!

Teeny butterflies enjoying the nectar from the Evening Primroses.

YUM!  These were hiding under some of those primroses.

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