Monday, September 19, 2011

Such an inspiring documentary : Mrs Carey's Concert

We all sat glued to the tv set last night.  I actually hadn't planned to watch anything in particular, but I'm so glad that I decided switch on to the ABC channel for a look.  A most inspiring documentary was about to begin.

Mrs Carey's Concert gives us all a glimpse into what can be achieved with determined teaching and perseverance. A look at the bigger picture, and seeing how music can offer so much to every student, takes Karen Carey and her staff off on a journey each year of building up students to reach where they never thought possible.  All students from Sydney's MLC Burwood will perform at the Sydney Opera House. Everyone comes away with something.

Carey describes music as being that which builds the intellect, creativity and explores emotions.  All 1200 students at the school must participate, and all must apply themselves to the best of their ability.

There are struggles along the way, as is the expected experience.  Students are either harsh on themselves in striving for a good result, or they're stubborn with the teachers in rebellion.  I actually particularly like how the other students help support Mrs Carey's effort to have everyone included in the program, by confronting the rebellion for the sake of everyone involved. This documentary shows both sides, with the final concert answering the persisting question, "How will she make all this work?"   

I so wish I had an opportunity to play in an school orchestra like this.  The end result is wonderful, and you can't help but have the tears well up in your eyes as you hear the final concert results after glimpsing into the lives off these young ladies.  There is definitely something to be gained by participating in the bigger picture, and we saw a little of what that's like by watching this documentary.


Joyfulmum said...

We watched this too as we heard earlier that it was a great documentary and it was wasn't it!

Catherine (Alecat Music) said...

I think I learnt a lot from watching this.

For starters, I ended up being firmer with 2 of my vocal students last night. I'm trying to encourage the older one to think about seriously pursuing her natural talent in her tertiary years. If only she could understand what a gift she has!