Monday, May 9, 2011

Hoping you had a lovely Mother's Day

How did you all enjoy your weekend? I hope it was a lovely time for you all with your families.

It's a nice tradition, keeping Mother's Day. We prepared roast lamb, fresh bread and chocolate fudge cake as part of our family meal, and shared company with some of my side of the family. One sister had come flown down from interstate, which was great timing to catch up with my parents and some of my siblings for dinner.

After all the gathering and chatting, it's very like me to sit and think about how my home is running. Is it a nurturing place? How will my children look back on their childhood? What will our relationship be like when they are adults?

I suppose most of these questions come up because we naturally share memories of our childhood as adults. We remember handfuls of separate occasions, but generally it's the overall atmosphere from home that glues all those instances together.

This weekend I spent time reflecting and writing up in my diary again. Setting some goals for myself and the family never hurt. There are lots of lovely things that happen here, for which I'm thankful, but there are also many needs. A person can only ever do so much on their own. If I can at least remember those things that are lacking and keep them in perspective, then asking for help, having patience and a gentler tone in my speech, as well as getting on with the all that needs to be done without grumbling, is a much more rewarding task.

During the quiet of this morning I am spending time on the logistics of the housekeeping, then we'll enjoy a day of learning and other activities, that .... hopefully! .... the children will reflect back on in their adult years with fondness.


i cant decide said...

Very pretty roses. I like to reflect on my home and mothering almost every month. I'm trying to get my children to like each others company more. They squabble a lot.

Joyfulmum said...

That is a GREAT thing to do - to sit down and evaluate and set goals for the family! We had a lovely Mother's day (celebrated on Saturday as Sunday is just too busy for us) just the three of us:)