Thursday, December 9, 2010

Freezing fruit

We're enjoying the bounty of Summer now, with tropical fruits becoming available in the markets.

I bought us some mangoes in bulk, which are just delicious, but there are only so many we can all eat before they show signs of spoiling. The quickest way to save them is to slice up all the fruit and place on a tray. Put them into the freezer, then once frozen, remove from the tray and store in freezer bags.

Now the fruit is ready to be used for yummy fruit smoothies whenever we like.

Bananas freeze well, but are best eaten/used when still frozen.
For young children, insert an icypole stick into banana pieces
for an instant healthy 'icy pop' treat.

Choose a selection of fruits and put into a blender.
You can add fresh fruit to the frozen if desired, eg: berries, or fresh bananas. (Mango alone is very bland.)
Add cold milk and yoghurt if desired. Blend until very smooth, adding more milk as necessary.
Yummy for breakfast, or a snack.


Joyfulmum said...

thanks for the great tip for the mangoes, will have to do that this summer:)

Wendy said...


I just realized that I never signed up with Google Friend Connect to follow your blog, so I did that just now. :)

It seems so strange for you to be gearing up for summer when it's just starting to be winter here. I am enjoying the cooler weather after a long, hot summer.

My younger daughter and I love smoothies for breakfast in the mornings! We put in 6 or 8 oz of strawberry or banana yogurt, a cup or so of milk (we don't really measure it), a frozen banana or two, a cup or so of frozen strawberries, and sometimes a little apple juice for sweetness. Yum!

Seeing that yummy-looking fruit in the photo makes me want to eat it up!!

I hope you're doing well and having a great holiday season so far.



Ruby said...

We keep mango frozen for all year round treats...yum! Bananas don't usually last long enough to get to freeze but great idea.
Enjoy your Summer break!