Thursday, November 11, 2010


Something dawned on Mariposa last night whilst we were watching a news excerpt on tv. The article was describing how many live bombs from WWII are still being found in Japan. One scene came up showing how a forklift had hit a bomb in a building site, causing destruction.

"Was the war really that big?" she asked. I could see she was trying to make sense of it all when some more scenes then followed showing the air raids.

I'm so grateful that we haven't had the personal experience of war ourselves, but we know friends who have experienced this. We have family, some still living, who remember their participation in wartime also.

So, I think we'll have another good discussion today, Remembrance Day. War is not an easy topic to discuss with children, but with the number of wars we've read about in history this year, I think we'll be building more understanding. Here is a site people may find useful if looking for resources for today.  We have poppies growing in our garden, so we'll bring them inside as a symbol of what we're remembering.

1 comment:

Kimberly Kovach said...

Love poppies! Thanks for visiting my blog. I like the term Remembrance Day better than Veteran's Day. Means so much more.