Friday, May 22, 2009

Early morning train ride

It was a very early start today to our NoBraces dental appointment. As winter creeps closer, it's harder to make these early starts, but watching the sun come up is always lovely.

Maestro was quite content to read his book. He's currently working his way through the Hardy Boys series, proudly finishing off one book on the way into the city and beginning another.

Mariposa was happy just drinking in the view.

As we approached the city, we were being engulfed in fog, and what turned from a pleasant sky became cold and dreary.

From the NoBraces centre, we could see the fog keeping most of what was quite scenic very hidden. This is Flinders Street station, near Elizabeth Street. We usually have a view of the Yarra River and Southbank here, but not today.

Needless to say, upon returning home we've got clear blue skies and mild weather again. It's amazing the difference an hour travelling south can make.

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